Thematic Based Approach
Inquisitive Based Approach
Our programme provides for the total development of the children in the following areas – physical development, social, cultural and emotional development, intellectual development, language and
literacy development, development of numeric and mathematical concept, discovery of the world and development in creative arts and music.
Our teachers promote learning through play. A variety of learning centers are set up to stimulate and support children’s developmental needs and interests as they interact with the materials, peers and adults within the environment.
Literacy and language skills, development of numeric and mathematical concept, development of creative arts are integrated across the curriculum and throughout the day through a variety of learning experiences. We also teach children phonology in early reading skills.
We plan our lessons and activities through an interactive process. Planning is based on the observations of our teachers on each child’s special interests and development progress.
We have periodic assessment of children’s development like progress report and portfolio. Parents are encouraged to have regular discussions with teachers regarding their child’s development in the Centre.